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United Nations Discussion Board
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TopicTopic StarterLast DateRespViews
Why India Should be a permanent member in UN security council?Genesis 7/28/2014 10:49:58 AM 1052596
Should India be given a permanent seat in the SC ?thedivisionbell 6/1/2011 9:18:04 PM 1311294
Saudi succeeds in bid for key UN Women’s agency YelliChink 11/12/2010 3:42:57 PM 01313
USG backed UN resolution on limiting free speechYelliChink 10/6/2009 6:42:34 PM 01855
UN meddles in HondurasPPR 7/23/2009 4:51:25 AM 11908
Special Forces Around the World Cooperation?Iblis 9/29/2008 11:08:44 PM 513881
UN Feeds the world? Who knew?PowerPointRanger 7/16/2007 12:13:03 AM 03056
Anti-UN people want to stop feeding the poor AfricansMex101 7/5/2007 1:14:33 PM 147984
The UN must die!PowerPointRanger 3/26/2007 11:16:25 PM 03568
Sticking it in the UN Human Rights Commission's Eye - RIGHT ON!!! swhitebull 3/26/2007 9:34:36 PM 13422
Ban sworn in as U.N. secretary-general EW3 12/15/2006 1:15:33 AM 03217
What benefit does US derive from UN?sofa 10/9/2006 1:47:35 PM 03772
South Korean Favored for Annan's PostEW3 10/9/2006 12:17:45 PM 33443
A Bolton from the Blueswhitebull 2/18/2006 8:19:35 PM 03734
Is UN relavant in today's world?Genesis 2/9/2006 10:02:47 AM 109504
What's wrong with the UNPowerPointRanger 12/28/2005 12:29:06 AM 04134
PALI Suicide Bombers Honored at UN - no Surprise Hereswhitebull 12/13/2005 2:38:21 PM 74290
And For Lunch, He'll Eat the Bureaucraps on the 10th Floor - Bolton in their Face Againswhitebull 12/8/2005 11:55:13 AM 03523
Has the UN ever solved a real crisis?swami 11/19/2005 2:04:33 PM 1612922
Kashmir in the United Nationsbullseye 11/18/2005 3:09:23 AM 03827
india as permanent member of UNSWCashoka 11/10/2005 9:14:16 AM 24636
Need more evidence that the UN are a bunch of pussies? Look here...Schackleford 10/19/2005 4:27:28 PM 64849
UN in the WoTHoundOfHello 10/9/2005 10:23:07 PM 03922
LOVE is in the Air - Hug an Islamic Terrorist Today - Gotta like these Islamic UN Membersswhitebull 8/1/2005 11:48:57 AM 24037
Ron Paul ROCKS!displacedjim 6/15/2005 9:19:01 PM 13731
Please answer this survey.Malrait 6/4/2005 5:54:47 PM 54349
France in the Gold CoastAchilles 6/4/2005 5:44:35 PM 13771
Coalition of the Honestappleciderus 4/11/2005 12:41:48 PM 156314
The Wacky Voters in the United Nationsswhitebull 4/7/2005 10:56:08 PM 167295
Reformsappleciderus 3/23/2005 7:26:54 AM 23812
unddt 3/10/2005 12:28:54 PM 03160
Report Rips Management of Oil-for-FoodTXAggie93 2/3/2005 11:10:54 PM 13914
UN chief reacts to son's payments from a firm involved in Iraq's oil-for-food programmeTXAggie93 2/3/2005 5:09:29 PM 03656
Solution to UN peacekeeping problems-full time troops of its own?WinsettZ 1/29/2005 12:12:42 PM 38550
Koffi, don't let the door hit you on the wayChooch 1/20/2005 9:35:45 PM 44471
Skimpyappleciderus 12/29/2004 7:35:35 AM 14317
The UN's own Abu GhraibTriggaFingaz 12/26/2004 4:07:22 PM 03804
UN SUCKSUN SUCKS 12/2/2004 2:20:25 PM 1311655
The Frenchstriker 11/26/2004 11:56:41 PM 299081
Outrageousappleciderus 11/26/2004 11:54:39 PM 13452
Terrorism AT the UN - the OICswhitebull 11/24/2004 12:52:22 AM 64291
Flagappleciderus 11/18/2004 4:38:09 PM 46284
Koffi says no!appleciderus 11/17/2004 9:56:57 PM 104197
Inside the Insane Asylumswhitebull 8/4/2004 6:56:48 AM 05498
Should the US withdraw from the UNY. pestis 7/23/2004 10:48:27 PM 2516427
important message for the Jews and all those that support Israelace 7/19/2004 1:20:54 AM 19903
Time for a Change??!!hello 4/21/2004 6:56:59 PM 23839
Ouch: a Stinging Rebuke from Kofi's desk...On Watch 3/31/2004 4:42:04 PM 13724
International Criminal Court.Sikman 3/23/2004 5:25:14 AM 24002
The Japanese are forward looking, innovative people.SGTObvious 1/26/2004 2:02:38 PM 14215
Tim e for Kofi to Buy the Big Ghanaian Cash Crop in the Sky and Exitswhitebull 1/15/2004 3:12:07 AM 23964
US vs. UNPhoenix Rising 11/21/2003 9:04:37 PM 249946
TO OUR READERS - FROM SYSOPS - regarding TavitaSYSOP1 9/18/2003 6:19:46 AM 14104
NOTICE TO OUR READERS FROM SYSOPS - demise of terroristSYSOP1 9/14/2003 8:16:17 AM 03730
UN resolution 1455appleciderus 9/6/2003 5:17:01 PM 126290
Better than before , now.jean 9/2/2003 9:24:44 AM 54019
UN faceliftPanther 5/21/2003 12:14:19 AM 23854
Looting and chaosFourF 5/20/2003 11:17:58 PM 33761
UNevlstu 4/15/2003 1:04:25 AM 03708
UN the ultimate powermoderator 3/17/2003 2:24:57 AM 13821
United Nations relevancyFrankyz 3/16/2003 12:49:03 PM 14392
UN Vote Predictionsgiblets 3/12/2003 9:54:53 AM 13800
US to temporarily Suspend UN Membership If Security Council Fails to Act on IraqTopolino 3/11/2003 7:08:07 AM 55226
France over plays its handY. pestis 2/25/2003 11:39:52 PM 53846
Realignment?Y. pestis 2/15/2003 10:37:30 PM 158830
US option in UN?giblets 2/10/2003 7:06:48 PM 73885
UN- sharing the powermustavaris 1/31/2003 8:34:01 PM 64591
the bandwagonnorden 1/31/2003 1:49:47 AM 13822
UN has no credibilitySpiku 1/30/2003 12:36:04 PM 13949
How dare the UN send spies to Iraq!American Kafir 1/7/2003 10:22:40 AM 23751
IMFMatt Smith 10/17/2002 6:43:05 PM 03893
Syria Compares Israel to Al-QaedaPhoenix Rising 9/24/2002 12:34:21 AM 43894
Bush as John Wayne, to UNOrg: Back Up Your Resol, Pilgrims, Or Get Out Of Amer Way![email protected]/rfk 9/8/2002 7:30:27 PM 04354
UNO:USA, Only Nat w/25%+++ ContrShare Must Tol Attacks,Keep Supp$$$!?[email protected]/rfk 9/7/2002 12:06:22 AM 03992
Powell Booed - Once Again, World Com SHows Want US $$$, Not Equalism, Justc., Or Strg UNO![email protected]/rfk 9/4/2002 10:12:05 PM 03975
abolish UN?jastay3 8/30/2002 5:29:17 PM 16851
problem with the unBernard 8/24/2002 6:16:36 PM 03695
problem with the ungary 8/24/2002 10:01:56 AM 13668
US vs.World Court - Its Clintonian Right-Wing-eque Libs That Have MOst To Lose If USA Signs! [email protected]/rfk 7/3/2002 5:45:47 AM 14458
US doesnt want to peacekeepPhil 6/7/2002 1:24:47 PM 23799
UN Banned in USA countyNight Stalker 6/3/2002 1:53:28 PM 03524
Send the Rich not the Poor?[email protected] 5/26/2002 12:10:57 PM 13734
send the rich, not the poor[email protected] 11/20/2001 9:11:22 AM 15392
amazedevlstu 11/15/2001 6:38:06 PM 84240
Lack of Compasssion[email protected] 11/14/2001 3:21:15 PM 44260
(no subject)jimi 8/17/2001 1:08:16 AM 03350
Another survey (just for laughs, this time!)Malrait 8/14/2001 9:04:13 PM 13766
the un and keeping the peaceed pike 8/14/2001 7:57:17 PM 03924
corruption and the uned pike 8/14/2001 7:42:09 PM 04061
(no subject)jimi 8/3/2001 1:08:16 AM 03042
To JohnMalrait 7/19/2001 2:03:20 PM 98775
To ThembaAnti-Rambo (is back!) 7/11/2001 3:39:52 AM 13712
Surveymalrait 7/11/2001 2:12:31 AM 03588
Generosity DOES NOT EXIST.malrait 7/10/2001 4:17:39 PM 34156
EP-3Malrait 7/10/2001 3:30:55 AM 03802
No good deed goes unpunished!John 7/10/2001 2:46:31 AM 34287
To sipomalrait 7/9/2001 4:56:22 AM 13953
American logic...Anti-Rambo 7/9/2001 12:19:53 AM 03719
(no subject)Jimi 7/8/2001 1:58:09 AM 03612
US / China relationsAnti-Rambo 7/7/2001 11:27:00 PM 03737
Dear Mark...Malrait 7/7/2001 2:50:05 PM 44529
Peacekeeping[email protected] 7/5/2001 9:18:50 AM 07992
(no subject)Jimi 7/4/2001 3:00:08 PM 13476
RE:MalraitMark 7/4/2001 12:58:45 AM 03433
Reply to rellik1malrait 6/11/2001 5:09:08 AM 23976
(no subject)Kevin 5/24/2001 12:31:05 PM 13836
UN[email protected] 5/15/2001 9:48:39 PM 03710
(no subject)Kevin 5/15/2001 6:33:14 AM 03690

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