Armor: Swiss Strykers Restructured


January22, 2007: Switzerland is converting many of its armored vehicles to other uses. Two-thirds of their TOW missile equipped wheeled armored vehicles are being turned into ambulances (40) and Battle Management Vehicles (160). The Swiss vehicles are the basic design on which the American Stryker armor vehicle was based. Ironically, the Battle Management Vehicles will be a key component in the Swiss armies "battlefield Internet." The American Strykers are also lavishly equipped with computers, and have proven very successful. The Swiss Battle Management Vehicles will also, like many Strykers, be armed with a remote control (from the inside) turret (firing a heavy machine-gun). Some old tanks are becoming combat engineer vehicles.

The converted armored vehicles entered service in the 1990s, but the conversion, and refurbishment, is expected to keep them in service for another twenty years, or more.