Support: USMC Combat Convoy Simulator


December 22, 2007: The U.S. Marine Corps has bought a new generation of convoy simulators, called, simply enough Combat Convoy Simulator (CCS). Devices like this have been around for over three years now, to train troops who have to take vehicles through a hostile urban environment (especially in Iraq). They use stationary vehicle bodies (heavy truck or hummer) and large projection screens that display computer controlled terrain. The latest version uses weapons that have a wireless connection to the simulation computer, and built in capability to simulate recoil. Troops are able to try out dozens of different combat situations they might encounter on the road, and respond realistically. These simulators have been very successful in quickly training troops to deal with combat convoys. The Lockheed Martin Convoy Simulator is costing the marines about $875,000 per vehicle simulated. There will be ten separate training centers, each with six vehicles. These can train together via a network.