Infantry: Plug And Press


December 15, 2012: As more and more infantry and commando troops use personal radios in tactical operations, there has been a growing demand for a more convenient way to use the PTT (press-to-talk) button. You have to hit the PTT to open your mike and speak to the other troops on your little network. Since both your hands are usually busy, this can be hassle. Rigging a PTT switch to the rifle left you with the damn wire to worry about. Finally, it was realized that you could just mount a IEEE 802.15.4 comm device (a tiny bit of electronics with a range of under two meters) to just turn your mike on or off. Thus there are no security problems. This device is currently designed to work with PRC 148/152/154 and JEM radios. Just plug it into the radios and attach the mike button to your weapon and you’re good to go.