Peacekeeping: Cammie Clowns Cause Confusion and Crime


September 16, 2006: The Seychelles Islands government has issued a ban on the wearing of military clothing by civilians. The country has a very high unemployment rate, especially among the young, and they have apparently adopted a "guerrilla punk" style of dress, which has led to instances of random violence, and could easily be infiltrated by political or other elements willing to destabilize the government for their own purposes by pretending to be military.
The Seychelles is only one of many poor countries that have banned civilians from wearing military uniforms. Banning such attire is becoming common, often with the encouragement of peacekeeping forces. The uniforms are a major problem for peacekeepers, who often have to rely on translators and a sketchy knowledge of how the local army and police operate.
Military style clothing is a hot item in the most out- of- the way places. Merchants know that guns sell better if you can also provide new (or used) cammies (camouflage style pants, shirts and hats) for your customers. Thus attired, and armed, a young fellow can more easily intimidate civilians, or even real troops and police.