Forces: March 14, 2001


Due to budget constraints, the Canadian military will cut its flying strength from 505 aircraft to only 282 and will reduce the number of flying hours for the remainder. The combat force of 122 CF-18s will be cut to 80. The four operational squadrons will be cut to 12 aircraft each. Canada felt it necessary to retain four squadrons in order to be able to rapidly expand their air strength with stored aircraft in a crisis. The CP-140 Aurora (Orion) maritime patrol wings will be cut from 21 total aircraft to 16. The Sikorski CH-124 Sea King fleet will fall from 30 aircraft to 28. The seven DHC- CC-115 and 27 CT-133 transports will be retired. The training fleet of 136 CT-114 Tutor jets will be cut to 17 (reserved for the flight demonstration team). The CC-130 Hercules fleet will remain at 32 but will fly only 21,000 hours instead of 22,600. The five Airbus CC-150 transports will remain in service and will fly more hours (6,500 instead of 4,100).--Stephen V Cole