Haiti: Venezuela Wants to Help


March 1, 2006: The violence has slowed, but not stopped, since the February 7 elections. The followers of president-elect Preval expect to get jobs and other goodies after Preval takes office on March 27th. The UN may be prevailed on to stay for another few years, but unless a new government can reverse two centuries of corrupt government, Haiti will return to its normal status: corrupt dictatorship.

February 27, 2006: Apprised of the fact that Venezuelan President Hugo Chavez would like to visit Haiti in mid-March, President-Elect Rene Preval (who is to be inaugurated at the end of March), has responded with a not-so-subtle suggestion that his schedule is too full for him to find room to properly welcome the prospective visitor.

February 23, 2006: President-Elect Rene Preval said that former president Aristide could return from exile. Preval was a follower of Aristide, but was not tainted by the corruption that drove Aristide out of office. The U.S. opposes letting Aristide return, believing that Aristide would make an attempt to return to power, and resume his corrupt ways to pay for it. Preval believes he can handle Aristide, and use him to control the violent Aristide followers.


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