India-Pakistan: Terrorist Bombs and Declining Popularity


November 7, 2006: The failure of the Taliban offensive in Afghanistan this past Summer, is having repercussions back in Pakistan. The Islamic parties have lost a lot of popular support, because they are increasingly seen as all talk, and no action, and yet another political dead end. Moreover, the connections between the Islamic radicals and foreign terrorists has never been very popular, and has contributed to the decline in popularity for Islamic radicalism. This is leading to more tips about the location and identity of Islamic terrorists, particularly the leaders (who often have a price on their heads). This is happening even in the tribal areas, but is most noticeable in the urban areas of Pakistan, and Indian occupied Kashmir.

November 5, 2006: In northeast India, tribal separatists set off two bombs, killing at least a dozen people.

November 3, 2006: The assassination attempt, last September, against Pakistani president Musharraf, has led to about fifty arrests. Most of those involved were junior military people, including some air force officers with access to high security areas. The plotters were not working with Islamic terrorists, but were Islamic conservatives angry because Musharraf has allied Pakistan with the United States, and other "infidel" countries, against Islamic radicalism.

November 2, 2006: Another terrorist bomb went off in Quetta, the capital of Baluchistan province (in southwest Pakistani). Two policemen were killed. Earlier, another bomb was found and disabled. The Baluchi tribes continue to battle against the government, demanding more autonomy and oil money.

November 1, 2006: There are still 2.4 million Afghan refugees in Pakistan, although about 600,000 have returned to Afghanistan in the past year.