Iraq: November 25, 2004


Over a thousand tons of weapons and munitions have been found in Fallujah, as well as a chemical and biological weapons laboratory. The largest stockpile of weapons was found in a mosque. American and Iraqi troops will spend the next several weeks searching some 50,000 buildings and apartments in the city. Although some 1,450 men were arrested during the fighting in Fallujah, 400 have been released. About 60 foreigners were arrested in Fallujah.  Dozens have been picked up in other parts of the country, and some may have already been killed while trying to make attacks elsewhere. A key aide of Al Qaeda leader Abu Musab al Zarqawi was captured in Mosul. Today, five more (two Egyptians and three Libyans) were arrested in Basra. They admitted they had come south to get away from the fighting in Fallujah, and to make more attacks, with less risk. All of the fighters possess a blind hatred of the West and a desire to spread their brand of Islam (Sunni) throughout the world. This, alas, includes punishing Moslem heretics like the Shia, who comprise the majority of Iraqis (and Iranians).