Israel: October 6, 2003


Syria is asking the UN to condemn Israel for bombing a terrorist camp in Syria. This raises the embarrassing issue of continued Syrian support for terrorism. To many nations, terrorism against Israel is OK, but terrorism against themselves is not. Because of the hypocrisy of this position, most nations would rather just look the other way and do nothing. This attitude will probably continue.

Syria did not respond militarily to the Israeli attack. Syrian air defenses were unable to stop the Israelis, and this should not be a surprise. This spotlights the growing disparity between Arab and Israeli military power. In the last few decades, Arab military power has hardly grown at all, despite billions of dollars spent. Israel, however, has developed world class military electronics and weapons industries and armed itself with equipment that even the US buys. 

Since the end of the Cold War, Syria has no longer received Russian military aid. The Syrian economy is strangled by the Baath Party dictatorship and there is no money to buy a lot of military gear. Thus for the last 12 years, the Syrian armed forces have been slowing declining in capabilities. 

But in Israel, the latest attack just strengthens the resolve to defeat the terrorists. The security wall will continue and, in effect, the Palestinian territories will be walled off and impoverished because of lack of economic contact with Israel. Foreign workers are being brought in to do the jobs Palestinians had.

While many Palestinians want to make a peace deal with Israel, the Palestinian terrorist groups like Hamas and Islamic Jihad demand Israel's destruction, and believe each successful suicide bombing carries them a step closer to that goal. Three years of violence have left 3517 dead (2,678 Palestinians, mostly terrorists and gunmen, and 839 Israelis, mostly civilians.) In addition, 24,500 Palestinians and 4.200 Israelis have been wounded. There have been 131 Palestinian suicide bomb attacks, killing over 400 Israelis. There have been 18,870 other Palestinian attacks, 95 percent of them have taken place in the West Bank and Gaza. Israel has destroyed 250 homes belonging to families of suicide bombers or prominent terrorists. Another 6,000 Palestinian homes and structures  have been destroyed because they were used by those attacking Israelis.