Israel: The West Bank War


October 17, 2005: The Palestinian Authority says it has foiled 17 terrorist attacks against Israel lately. That may well be true, but the weapons smuggling from Egypt still goes on, and Hamas, and other Palestinian terrorist organizations still operate openly. It will take a decisive, and bloody, civil war between the Palestinian terrorists and the rest of the Palestinians, to stop the attacks on Israel. Today, for example, a drive-by attack left three Israeli settlers dead in the West Bank. But Israeli police and intelligence troops are increasingly active on the West Bank, trying to prevent more Palestinian terrorists from expanding their operations there.

October 12, 2005: Using their special squad of Arab speaking, and Arab appearing, undercover police, the army stalked and arrested a senior Hamas leader who had been operating on the West Bank. The Israeli intelligence network in the Palestinian community continues to flourish because Palestinians are divided over the Hamas strategy of continuing the terror attacks against Israel.