Israel: Counter-Terrorism Operations Intensify


November 14, 2005: An Israeli raid into the West Bank, killed a senior Hamas leader. There have been raids every night since the November 7 terrorist attack, but most of these raids result in arrests, not gunfire. The Israelis are trying to break up terror cells before they can plan and carry out more terrorist attacks inside Israel. The raids also seek to weaken Palestinian terrorist groups that provide infrastructure for terrorist attacks (and threaten the Israeli informer network in the area.) Israel and the Palestinian authority continue to argue over giving Palestinians access to Israel for jobs, and Palestinian inability to crack down on Palestinian terrorists.

November 13, 2005: Two Palestinians were caught trying to cut their way through the Gaza security fence. One was killed and the other wounded.

November 12, 2005: Israel has arranged to launch its third space satellite from an Indian facility.

November 10, 2005: Israel will stay in the U.S. F-35 development program, despite doubts about the ability of the Israelis to keep secret key aspects of the F-35 technology.

November 9, 2005: A large delegation of over a hundred Pakistani officials arrived, to meet with Israeli officials and explore ways in which the two countries could establish economic and other relations. This came about because Israel left Gaza. Other Islamic countries have also increased relationships with Israel because of this. Qatar is establishing official ties.

November 8, 2005: A Russian group of counter-terrorism experts have come to study Israeli methods.