Israel: Payroll Politics


May 8, 2006: Hamas and Fatah gunmen encountered each other by chance in Gaza, and a gun battle broke out. Several people were killed, and over a dozen wounded.

May 7, 2006: Palestinian president Abbas appears to have avoided a Hamas assassination plot after being tipped off by Israeli intelligence. The story was not confirmed, but there is increasing tension between Hamas, which has not yet been able to take control of the Palestinian "government", and Fatah, which lost the last election, and is led by president Abbas. Many foreign aid donors, who will not give money to Hamas, are thinking of giving it to Abbas, who currently commands a "security force" of 80,000 men, who have not been paid for several weeks.

May 6, 2006: Israel is building a database of all settler activity in the West Bank, and removing more of those living illegally there.

May 5, 2006: Israeli warplanes hit a terrorist training camp in Gaza with missiles. Elsewhere in Gaza, six more Kassam rockets were fired, and at least one Palestinian civilian was killed by the return fire. Palestinian civilians have been warned to stay away from the area the terrorists are using to launch the rockets from.

May 2, 2006: Another Palestinian Kassam rocket fell into southern Israel. So far this year, 300 Kassam rockets have been fired by Palestinians in Gaza.