Ivory Coast: November 28, 2002


Fighting broke out on 27 November in the Ivory Coast, between the western town of Man and Seguela in the northwest. Rebels riding 20 four-wheel-drive vehicles attacked government forces at the garrison in Man. Man lies among rich cocoa plantations and the surrounding region is the heart of strong popular support for the president. However, the rebels denied any new assault and French forces reported no sign of fighting. 

The same day, the Ivory Coast's opposition leader (and former prime minister) Alassane Ouattara left the French ambassador's residence in Abidjan, where he took refuge since September. A large part of the Ivorian press and the nation's public are convinced that "Ado" (from the initials of Alassane Dramane Ouattara) is the real hidden inspirer of the revolt. According to various Ivorian and international press sources, Alassane Dramane Ouattara and his wife are already in exile in Gabon. While Ouattara's move is designed to help defuse the situation, he could wind up doing the exact opposite if he somehow reaches rebel forces - Adam Geibel


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