Electronic Weapons: IED Zappers Start an Arms Race


March 12, 2006: French and Israeli scientists have developed new tools for disabling roadside bombs. While the United States is pouring billions into developing new anti IED (roadside bomb) technology, they were not the first. Before September 11, 2001, Israel was already working on similar solutions, to deal with the Palestinian terror campaign that began in late 2000. Although France likes to position itself as a friend of the Palestinians, Israeli defense firms have long worked with their French counterparts. This has resulted in French firm to developing a new a new anti-IED technology called "Thor." Details are kept secret, but the Israelis have shown interest. Work like this is causing some consternation in the weapons business, as many of these new "anti-IED" devices can neutralize new electronic fuzes and detonators being developed for military and commercial applications. This has resulted in something of an arms race, as the electronic fuze developers seek ways to protect themselves from the anti-IED technologies.