Naval Air: A Toast to The de Gaulle


April 19, 2007: For the last month, the American carrier John C. Stennis (CVN 74) and the French carrier Charles de Gaulle (R 91) operated together off the coast of Pakistan, in support of operations in Afghanistan. Both nuclear powered carriers supplied bombing and reconnaissance missions for troops in Afghanistan. Aircraft conducted touch-and-go landings on each others carriers. Thus two French Super-Etendards, two Rafales and an E-2C Hawkeye did so on the Stennis. Each day, six sailors from each carrier, went to the other and spent the day working there, and getting to know the routine. The two carriers participated in a number of training exercises, and a good time was had by all. Not only that, but the French ship carries a good supply of alcoholic beverages, something American warships have not been able to do since 1914.