Surface Forces: Forever Young


December 5, 2010: Canada has begun a refurbishment program for its twelve Halifax class frigates. The HMCS Halifax is now undergoing the 12 month, $250 million process this year. All twelve frigates are to have completed the upgrades by 2017. Each ship will be out of service for up to 18 months. The modernization includes electronics (fiber optic replacing copper wire, current electronics for sensors and computers and upgraded sensors.) Weapons will upgraded to current models.

The 4,800 ton Halifaxs entered service during 1992-96 and have a crew of 225. Armament consists of four torpedo tubes, a 57mm gun, a 20mm Phalanx anti-missile autocannon, eight Harpoon anti-ship missiles, 16 Sea Sparrow anti-aircraft missiles and a helicopter. There is onboard and towed sonar as well as electronic countermeasures.