On Point: Hot and Hotter: Security Challenges in 2004

by Austin Bay
December 30, 2003

2003 ended with the US on high alert for terror strikes at home and abroad. The alert continues into 2004, a sobering reminder of our shared peril.

While traveling in southeast Asia in 2002, a counter-terror cop told me, in a tone as tough as his stare, "We've been targets longer than you. I don't say this to insult...America has joined our war." He was specifically referring to the Jemaah Islamiya/Al Qaeda threats to Indonesia and Singapore.

His blunt words, however, echo a common insight. At the moment every corner of the world, if not directly touched by conflict, is close to the line of fire.

Though 2003 may prove to be the pivotal year in America's War on Terror, 2004 presents presidents, diplomats and generals with an array of security challenges. Here's the upside: most of the challenges are being confronted. Post 9/11 America --aware of the world and active in it-- has brought hope and spine to people pursuing just peace and the rule of law.

Here are a few of the more notorious challenges:

US Homeland: Look for the terror alert levels to fluctuate from elevated to high. September through early November is a particularly sensitive time, with the 9/11 anniversary and a presidential election. Al Qaeda would cast its vote with terror threats.

Iraq: The "central front" is a fatal attraction Al Qaeda can't resist. Low-level fighting will continue.

Turkey: Al Qaeda's attacks in 2003 opened "a new front" in Turkey. Turkey's moderate Islamic government now claims it has severely damaged Al Qaeda's Turkish organization. In 2004 Turkey will demonstrate it is not a "soft target."

Iran: The tragic earthquake in Bam is the current news, temporarily displacing the student and business-led revolt against the ayatollahs' regime. The earthquake, however, demonstrates that after 24 years of theocracy Iran remains a Third World flop. The students will make that point later in the year.

Indonesia: Arrests have damaged Jemaah Islamiya, especially nabbing terror facilitator Hambali. Indonesia, however, is a fractured state. The Aceh rebellion will continue.

Pakistan: Islamo-fascists covet Pakistni nukes. They are also vexed that the Pakistani Army has helped police Taliban sanctuaries along the Afghan border. Pakistan's intelligence service combines insidious political corruption with Islamic fanaticism. Given its domestic instability, there may be more assassination attempts on President . Pervez Musharraf. Pakistan also confronts nuclear-armed India in Kashmir. Pakistan is an "A List" challenge.

Chechnya: Russia's ugly war often disappears from view, except when terrorists bomb Russian towns. Moscow hopes Chechnya will stabilize in 2004. It isn't likely.

China versus Taiwan: Native Taiwanese clamor for formal separation from China. "Hard nationalism," however, is Beijing's current ideological glue, so the mainland isn't about to accede to Taiwanese demands. Taiwan faces 400 missiles China is ready to fire. America buffers Taiwan and China's clash, but knows it needs China as an ally in The War on Terror. Washington will cool Taiwan's ardor, but probably provide it with new defensive weapons (diesel subs among them).

North Korea: Nut-case Kim Jong Il has seen Libya fold on nuclear weapons, but this starving Stalinist state is an "A list" nightmare. China is a critical diplomatic force in successfully policing Kim. It's another reason the US tilts toward Beijing vis a vis Taiwan.

Zimbabwe: Dictator Robert Mugabe has turned an agricultural breadbasket into an economic basket case. South Africa says it intends to stay out of Zimbabwe's "internal affairs." That could change in 2004 if Zimbabwe spirals into chaotic civil war.

Venezuela: President Hugo Chavez combines the worst in Juan Peron and Napoleon. His paratrooper ego approaches that of his greatest living icon, Fidel Castro. Venezuela will smolder in 2004.

European Union clashes: No, this isn't a security challenge per se, but it's interesting. The collapse of the EU's constitutional convention will resonate through 2004. Watch for "new Europe" (Poland, Spain, et al) to flex political muscles at the expense of "old Europe" France.

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