On Point: 2009

Pray for the Best, Prepare for the WorstThe Next Future: Money in Both Doom and Boom When the Human Shield Slips
Machiavelli, Joint Forces Command and MexicoObama Orbits: Satellites and Space WeaponsObama and Iraq's Emerging Victory
Afghanistan's Wicked ProblemsKosovo's Birthday Beyond the BalkansA Hotel in Babylon
Obama Pulls Out, Polemically The North Korean Tangle Flash Mobs, Tea Parties and Tocqueville
Japan Rewrites North Korea's Script Secretary Gates' Defense Budget ProposalsLegalistic Nonsense Thwarts Anti-Pirate and Anti-Terror Efforts
Grab the Planet by the Throat ... Epidemic of FearRecalling May 1989
Sri Lanka's Bitter EndgameCyber Warfare: The Gray Zone NarrowsIdentifying Domestic Terrorists
Ballistic Missile Defense Dependence DayIran in LimboHere Be Dragons: Patrolling Nowhere in the 21st Century
China's Strategic Challenges Go Well Beyond the UighursMumbai's Surprising AftermathRemembering a Hungarian Freedom Fighter
Russo-Georgia One Year On: From Reset to Repeat?Strategic TwitterMexico's Complex Free Trade Initiative
Seventy Years After the Hitler-Stalin PactTwo Septembers: 1939 and 2001Don't Damage the First Line of Defense
SOF Targets and Soft TargetsObama Lets Sphere of Influence Trump Sphere of SecuritySudan's Simmering North-South War
Afghanistan's Changing BattlegroundWhat Kind of Action in the World Justifies a Nobel Peace Prize? Building an Army Under Fire
Cracking the Berlin WallHasan's Treason Al-Qaida's Prospects
On Cyber War Triangulating Afghanistan Cooling Hugo Chavez
Predator War Peace, Justice and the Lord's Resistance Army The Wages of Weakness
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